
Record a video using Loom

For the next step in your set up, we need you to record a video introducing yourself on the Loom platform. Follow the instructions in case you don’t have an account or don’t know how to record a video using Loom.

Step 1: Go to Loom and create an account

Click here to go to Loom and Join to create an account with your login details.

Step 2: Click on Start Recording

Step 3: Allow Browser to Use Your Mic and Camera

Step 4: Locate Recording Settings

Step 5: Switch Video Settings to "Camera Only" and Start Recording Your Video

Please ONLY Use Your First Name When Introducing Yourself In The Video

Step 6: Re-Name Your Recording With Only Your First Name and Date as Tittle

Step 7: Copy the Link, and Share it With Us

Step 8: Send Us Your Video URL Via Email at "talent@highleveltalent.com"

After creating the video and sending it to the email above, hover over your name in the top right corner of the website and choose: Settings > Edit my profile

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