Director, scriptwriter and editor of the film "Espíritu Santo Reserve"
Director, scriptwriter and editor of the film "Espíritu Santo Reserve"
Development of the casting of the feature film "Robe of Gems"
Development of the casting for the fiction feature film "Robe of Gems" (Jury Award at the Berlin Film Festival BERLINALE)
Co-editor of the short film "El sueño de Sebastián"
Co-editor of the short film "El sueño de Sebastián"
Director, editor and script writer of the feature film "The Memory of Oblivion" (in postproduction)
Director, editor and script writer of the feature film "The Memory of Oblivion" (in postproduction), selected by IMCINE to participate at the DOK Leipzig's Co-production Market
Director and editor of the animated corporative video "Traffilog Services"
Director and editor of the animated corporative video "Traffilog Services" for the company Traffilog
Director, editor, co-producer and cinematographer of the documentary short film "Xänthe Dehe - Water Forest"
Director, editor, co-producer and cinematographer of the documentary short film "Xänthe Dehe - Water Forest"
Editor of the documentary feature "La Malinche"
Editor of the documentary feature "La Malinche" (Mexico / Israel)
Editor of the fiction shortfilm "Cómo bailar en un mundo raro"
Editor of the fiction shortfilm "Cómo bailar en un mundo raro"
Director, editor and scriptwriter of the documentary short film "Water Running by Your House"
Director, editor and scriptwriter of the documentary short film "Water Running by Your House"
Interview director of the program “A 5-year-olds Guide to the Future”
Interview director for the program “A 5-year-olds Guide to the Future”; a series of interviews with children and their opinion about different aspects of the future for the BBC Reel channel (England).
Director, co-producer, editor ans script of the documentary short film "AlimentAction"
Director, co-producer, editor ans script of the documentary short film "AlimentAction", a documentary about food production and eating-habits in the State of Mexico, Mexico.
Bachelors Degree in Social Communication
Bachelors Degree in Social Communication
Masters Degree in Film and Video Production
Masters of Arts, Film and Video Production Stream by the University of Technology, Sydney (Australia) with a scholarship of the National Council for Culture and the Arts of Mexico (FONCA)
Diploma in Film and Video Production
Diploma in Film and Video Production by the University of Technology, Sydney (Australia)