Social Communications Manager
Planning, management and coordination of Cultural Campaigns,
academic offer and Communication strategies. Budget management,
preparation of media plan and control of guidelines and KPIS. Design
of campaigns and dissemination materials for the activities of the institute.
General Distribution Manager
Freelance distribution, preproduction, production, and postproduction.
Creation of international distribution campaigns for audiovisual
projects. Advice on projects to obtain resources, filming and post-
Director of Communication and audiovisual production
Application of comprehensive marketing and communication
campaigns. Management and control of guidelines in digital media.
Responsible for the three stages of audiovisual content production for the company and its clients.
Bachelor of Communication with high specialization in audiovisual, marketing and organizational communication
Pos grade Digital Cinema
Postgraduate in digital cinema with active teachers in the film industry in Mexico and opportunity to enter the field of active cinema as a student