Productor de TV
Set and location recording, managing of staff, pre-production and editing of shows. Managing of calendar and guests on the show.
Senior Motion Designer
Motion design, graphic design, editing of RAW photo files, video editing for electoral campaigns 2018 in México.
Personal Photographer
Personal photographer for the Mayor, covering all social and political events and full itinerary.
Community Manager
Comminty manager for Local Congressman, photograhpy, graphic design, video editing, stationery design, social media managing.
Graphic Design, 2D animation, videography, photography
Videoreel for concert multicam-recording: https://youtu.be/UaymmC4P1Rk
Personal videoreel: https://vimeo.com/288741573
Audiovisual Production
Camera gear, color correction, audio mixing, recording, studio consoles, lighting, graphic design, live audio mixing.
Locución Comercial (Commercial Locution)
Comercial locution, voice over recording (software-wise), script writing, legals, fees, fundamentals of dubbing voice acting.
Editorial Illustration
Usage of Adobe Illistrator and InDesign for character creation, editorial design, and vector managing.