Hi, my name is Jose, I am a father of two boys and I currently live in Coatepec, Veracruz Mexico.
I have extensive Customer Service experience in several industries, lately I am engaged in a project as an Assistant Project Manager. I started a little over two and half years there as an agent, and was quickly promoted to Lead. A year and a half later I was promoted to Assistant Project Manager, my current position.
I also have experience in the Crypto industry as a Level 2 bilingual Customer Service Representative, I worked with Blockchain.com for a year and a half.
I believe that since the core of my customer service skills were initally developed in the Hospitality industry, (where you are face to face with customers and have to interact and provide answers on the spot), have greatly helped polish my Customer Service skills.
{{trans('Click here')}} {{trans('to select and upload the video')}}
{{trans('Hello there! 👋')}}
{{trans('Please leave your feedback')}}
{{trans('Record Video')}}
{{trans(`You can record up to`)}} {{trans(`%s min.`, time(preference.max_video_length, 'notice'))}} {{ trans(`You can review your video before submitting`)}}
{{trans('You will be able to check your review before sending')}}
{{trans('Not ready to record?')}}
{{trans(`You can record up to`)}} {{trans(`%s min.`, time(preference.max_video_length, 'notice'))}} {{ trans(`You can review your video before submitting`) }}
⚠️ {{ trans(`Camera and microphone access is blocked!`) }}
{{ trans(`Please give`) }} {{ trans(`microphone and camera access`) }} {{ trans(`to record video`) }}
{{ trans(`This site isn’t using https protocol.`) }} {{ trans(`Reviews cannot be recorded or uploaded`) }}
{{trans(`Not ready to record?`)}}{{trans(`Upload Video`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Upload Video Instead`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Record a Video Review`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Record a Video Instead`)}}
{{trans('Not ready to record?')}}{{trans(`Upload Video`)}}
{{trans('Changed mind?')}}{{trans(`Record Video Instead`)}}
{{trans('Fill in the data')}}
{{trans('Uploading video...')}}
{{trans('Thanks for your review! 😍')}}
{{ trans('Your Review has been successfully') }} {{ trans('submitted') }}