Operations Admin.
- Work close with finance on accounts receivables and payables from the company.
- Make sure the projects' information is updated.
- Have thorough communication with our service providers to clear up their questions.
- We have simplified the payment process.
- Audit old projects.
- Release the payments via routable to the service providers and collect them from the client.
- Fill and send the contracts to the clients and service providers
Jr. Marketing Coordinator
- Qualitative and quantitative market research (in-depth interviews, focus groups, and surveys)
- Responsible for the communication process with the consumer and the supplier.
- A community growth of 300 people per month.
- Achieved more than 1,000 users in the first six months
Assistant to general manager
- Created and managed a digital product inventory
- I collaborated with the creation of a new sub-brand to insert a new product line
- Community Manager of the social media of the company.
- Began with the digital business for the company through Facebook Marketplace and Mercado Libre.
- Controlled purchases and invoices.
Bachelor in Marketing
Graduated with honors (92/100 GPA)
bachelor in International Business Administration
Double Degree