Nathalia A
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Member since March 21, 2023

Community manager y redactora

Currently I am dedicated to running a magazine as an ongoing editor, I plan everything that must be published in the month and I publish and schedule the publications. In the same way I am developing articles within the magazine, lifestyle, business, and many more topics. In other words I work in a company called Musa in which I have the possibility of taking social networks and making and planning their content, creating from scratch the posts, stories and others, which generates branding and creation of logos. I am currently working at the same time in an online newspaper in which I have the opportunity to have my column and write sports, international, entertainment, opinion and national notes, thus having knowledge in Illustrator, Premiere, WordPress, Elementor, Meta, Audition, among others.


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Community manager and writter

  •  Zaga relaciones públicas
  •  Sep 2022 - Present

Currently what I do is publish the content, I schedule each month the content of each day, in a strategic way to be able to obtain more interaction, I also work as an editor in progress within the magazine called Zagazine, created by the same company, I publish the daily notes, as well as I look for people for interviews and manage advertising.


  •  Bóveda informativa
  •  Nov 2022 - Present

I write the most outstanding notes, entertainment, national, international or local, just as I find myself developing my own weekly column within the online newspaper.


  •  Antítesis
  •  Nov 2021 - Sep 2022

I wrote the most outstanding notes, entertainment, national, international or local.



  •  Jan 2018 - May 2022

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