Video Resume
Accounting Intern
- Electronic Billing
- Prepare Bank reconciliation
- Prepare revenue and expense reports
- Direct contact with service suppliers
- Enter the SAT portal and print invoices
- Make payments via phone or at the bank
Passenger Service Agent
- Check and review minor documents so then can travel (Passport, imigration form, Travel visa etc)
- Pick up minors from the aircraft door, check and review their documents just in case they have a connecting flight or if they are staying in Mexico City.
- Pass thru imigration filter with minor and the pick up their baggage in the ramp
- Constant contact with passenger services agents just in case their is a delay or a canceled flight.
Business Management in Tourism
It has to do with analyzing everything related to the economic, social and leisure aspect of the tourist activity of a country, focusing on the management and direction of tourism institutions and companies.
Finance and Accounting
Its objective is to prepare professionals capable of controlling management, evaluating and identifying opportunities for growth and improvement of the company,