I’m searching a job that allow me work at home , I have been working at FedEx for the last years like account executive on Sales area; my main responsibilities or activities are :
Increase the revenue for the company
Searching new customers and work although leads that call center area give me.
Pricing implementation and built agreement to the customer according necessities.
Calling growing and decliners customers , with decliners customers try recovering.
Searching customers by differents options like Google or LinkedIn.
{{trans('Click here')}} {{trans('to select and upload the video')}}
{{trans('Hello there! 👋')}}
{{trans('Please leave your feedback')}}
{{trans('Record Video')}}
{{trans(`You can record up to`)}} {{trans(`%s min.`, time(preference.max_video_length, 'notice'))}} {{ trans(`You can review your video before submitting`)}}
{{trans('You will be able to check your review before sending')}}
{{trans('Not ready to record?')}}
{{trans(`You can record up to`)}} {{trans(`%s min.`, time(preference.max_video_length, 'notice'))}} {{ trans(`You can review your video before submitting`) }}
⚠️ {{ trans(`Camera and microphone access is blocked!`) }}
{{ trans(`Please give`) }} {{ trans(`microphone and camera access`) }} {{ trans(`to record video`) }}
{{ trans(`This site isn’t using https protocol.`) }} {{ trans(`Reviews cannot be recorded or uploaded`) }}
{{trans(`Not ready to record?`)}}{{trans(`Upload Video`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Upload Video Instead`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Record a Video Review`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Record a Video Instead`)}}
{{trans('Not ready to record?')}}{{trans(`Upload Video`)}}
{{trans('Changed mind?')}}{{trans(`Record Video Instead`)}}
{{trans('Fill in the data')}}
{{trans('Uploading video...')}}
{{trans('Thanks for your review! 😍')}}
{{ trans('Your Review has been successfully') }} {{ trans('submitted') }}